Real Love vs. Fake Love
Friend, in our pursuit of real and genuine love we all run into all kinds of experiences, relationships, and people whose words sound loving, and actions feel like true love. Yet, sooner or later what seemed to be true, real and genuine love ends up being untrue, unreal, and false. And eventually, what promised to help and to heal us, like a good medicine, ends up hurting and plunging many of us into chaos.
So, what’s true, real and genuine love?
What’s imitation, fake and false love?
Here’re few guidelines and thoughts to ponder about when considering these two crucially important questions. Not that any one of us is perfect and able to offer flawlessly such perfect love, or that we’re to expect others in our lives to display such perfection in love. But, the closer we get in our personal life journeys to such genuine and real love, and the wiser we become in recognizing what’s real love and what’s fake, the better our lives will be.
True love is genuinely compassionate, kind and caring. False love is self centered, selfish and lacks genuine kindness and compassion.
Real love is real, assured to us and is certain. Fake love is unreal, and there is no assurance or certainty in it.
Genuine love forgives. False love can’t and won’t forgive.
True love accepts and approves our humanity and diginity even when it dissaproves our bad behaviors, wrong words and deeds. False love fakes acceptance and approval but is incapable of fully accepting, affirming, and approving of others.
True, real, and genuine love in us and in others renders us safe. Such love saves, secures, and protects. False, fake, and imitation love is unsafe. It endangers, and makes you, me and others vulrenable, and unsecure.
So friend, let’s pause and ask if the type of love that we’ve pursued in the past, or that we’re pursuing now, is true, real and genuine. How genuine, real, and true is my love and yours to those who cross our path?
Let’s learn, grow, and wonder.
Join me next time as we reflect on some more essential features of true and real love vs false love.
Views expressed here are only of the author, and do not represent the views of any other organization or entity. Information in this blog are not meant to be medical advice. Please see your medical provider or psychologist for any of your medical or psychological concerns.
Adel G. Hanna. M.D.
Author: Soldier To Soldier Heart to Heart
A Doctor’s Stories from a Military Camp